A Collection of Poetry

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Free Bird

They tell you they do

but they don't

They say they will

but they won't

They pretend to understand

instead of showing what they want

and then there is me

the idiot who just can't see

the idiot believing they do

when they don't

hoping they will

when they won't

So why does this idiot tries to answer the call

when he clearly doesn't understand at all

so for what it's worth

he best remains a free bird

Thursday, June 24, 2021

L' aura de Titi

 Mon ange, la lumière 

                                            la radiance

qui s'éteint jamais

elle reste au sommet

                                    de ma confiance

parce qu'elle est en vie

dans mon esprit

Je veux rester à ses côtés

je n'ai plus peur

de voyager, les yeux fermés

un feu sacré dans mon coeur

Mon ange, la lumière


elle me prend par la main

pour passer une nuit sans fin

je n' ai jamais vu la lune si       belle 


avec son aura parfumé

je veux qu'elle reste à mes côtés

les yeux sans douleur

j'espère qu'elle veut m'accompagner

en ce voyage plein de bonheur

Voyage, voyage

volons dans les hauteurs...

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Marcus Aurelius Quote

 The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority,
but to escape finding oneself amongst the ranks of the insane

Monday, May 24, 2021

Dirty Harry Quote

Opinions are like assholes

everyone has got one 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Defeat (Kahlil Gibran)

Defeat, my defeat,

my solitude and my aloofness

You are dearer to me than a thousand triumphs,

And sweeter to my heart than all world-glory.


Defeat, my defeat 

my self-knowledge and my defiance,

Through you I know that I am yet young and swift of foot

And not to be trapped by withering laurels.

And in you I have found aloneness

And the joy of being shunned and scorned.


Defeat, my defeat, 

my shining sword and shield,

In your eyes I have read

That to be enthroned is to be enslaved,

And to be understood is to be leveled down,

And to be grasped is but to reach one’s fullness

And like a ripe fruit to fall and be consumed.


Defeat, my defeat, 

my bold companion,

You shall hear my songs and my cries and my silences,

And none but you shall speak to me of the beating of wings,

And urging of seas,

And of mountains that burn in the night,

And you alone shall climb my steep and rocky soul.


Defeat, my defeat, 

my deathless courage,

You and I shall laugh together with the storm,

And together we shall dig graves for all that die in us,

And we shall stand in the sun with a will,

And we shall be dangerous.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

I feel you (Depeche Mode)

I feel you
Your sun it shines

I feel you
Within my mind

You take me there
You take me where
The kingdom comes

You take me to
And lead me through

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

I feel you
Your heart it sings

I feel you
The joy it brings

Where heaven waits
Those golden gates
And back again

You take me to
And lead me through

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

I feel you
Your precious soul

And I am whole

I feel you
Your rising sun
My kingdom comes

I feel you
Each move you make

I feel you
Each breath you take

Where angels sing
And spread their wings
My love's on high

You take me home
To glory's throne
By and by

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

Monday, December 21, 2020


It's all right

it wasn't your fault 
it wasn't mine 
and you were right 
you weren't just 
like all the others 

you were worse